- Download the latest Java SE JRE offline installation file from Oracle. You will need JRE (Java Runtime Environment) offline version (normally x86).
- Launch the .exe but don’t start installation.
- Navigate to:
- Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Application Data\Sun\Java\jrex.x.x
- Windows 7, 8, 10: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\LocalLow\Sun\Java\jrex.x.x (Java 6, 7)
- Windows 7, 8, 10: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\LocalLow\Oracle\Java\jrex.x.x (Java 8)
- Save .msi and .cab (if exist) files to a folder on your desktop.
- Cancel installation.
- Optional Customize installation
Open .msi file in Orca, Transform > New Transform. Scroll down to the “Property” table and customize as required:
[IEXPLORER] {1} Selects the IE plugin (Doesn’t exist in v8)
[MOZILLA] {1} Selects the Netscape/Mozilla Firefox plugin (Doesn’t exist in v8)
[SYSTRAY] {0} Gets rid of the systray icon when Java is running. (Doesn’t exist in v7 and later)
To disable auto update:
[JAVAUPDATE] {0} Turns off part of the JavaUpdate
[AUTOUPDATECHECK] {0} Turns off part of the JavaUpdate
[JU] {0} Turns off part of the JavaUpdate (Doesn’t exist in v8)
Transform -> Generate Transform. Save the transformation .mst file to the same folder as msi and cab files. - Deploy via Group Policy using the advanced method and add generated transform file to the Modifications list.
Java 6.XX
Java 7.XX
Java 8.XX
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