Configure Media Player Classic to output 5.1 surround via optical S/PDIF

  1. Download and install AC3 Filter. Light version will do. If you download full version make sure you choose custom install to deselect crapware during installation.
    Official website:
    Archive: AC3Filter 2.6.0b Lite
  2. Open Media Player Classic and go to Play > Filters > AC3Filter
    Media Player Classic AC3Filter
  3. In the Main tab:
    • Change Output format to 5.1 Surround
    • Enable option: Use SPDIF

    AC3 Filter Properties

Note: If after installing AC3Filter it is not listed under Play > Filters you may need to add it manually. To do this open Media Player ClassicView > Options > External Filters, click on Add Filter, select AC3Filter and mark it as Preferred.

Media Player Classic Options

Windows 8 Pro
Media Player Classic


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