Find out who is logged on onto a remote computer locally or via resource shares

Download and extract PsLoggedOn. For more info about this Microsoft Sysinternals tool by Mark Russinovich and direct download go here.

Run PsLoggedon.exe in a command prompt (CMD):

Find out who is logged on onto a local computer

PsLoggedon.exe \\computer-name
Find out who is logged on onto a remote computer

Find all computers where a user is logged on

To make it a bit more sophisticated on easier to use you can create a simple batch script which will prompt for computer (or user) name.

  • Create LoggedOn.bat and place in the same directory as PsLoggedon.exe
  • Place following code in LoggedOn.bat
    echo off
    SET /P PC=Please Enter Computer Name
    PsLoggedon.exe \\%PC%

  • Now when you run LoggedOn.bat, it will prompt for a Computer Name and return the result.

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